Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 483: Prebiotic for Teeth, More Osteoarthritis, Exercises and Health

This week, we gave a little advice on the use of toothpaste with prebiotic to support healthy probiotic in the mouth. Then, we went on to discuss more about osteoarthritis. We gave more information about supplements. We also discussed the important topic of balance and how as the age, people have difficulty rising from seated and lying down. Ron is going to teach clinics on how to get up from the ground if you've fallen! And one of the reasons people fall is because they're lightheaded from being dehydrated, so we talked about making sure to drink and adding electrolytes. I talked about how a regular practice of yoga can be really helpful; something as simple as the regular practice of sun salutations keeps you able to get up and down from lying on the ground to standing. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 479: Know Your Farmer Fair, Help for Political Stress

This week, we talked about Ron's experience with the chiropractor. He's a fan! He knows it'll take time but he's on board. I also talked about the Know your Farmer Fair which will happen March 8, 2025 at the Willimantic Community Center; a great way to get to know our local farmers! And, without taking sides, we talked about the political situation and how it may be stressing you, and what you can do about it. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 461: Menopause and Weight Loss

This week I'm playing a lecture I recorded a while ago, about menopause and weight loss. I talk about how it's harder to lose fat after menopause, and why. It's all about the cortisol! Get that cortisol down and it will help. Also, having a little extra weight on after menopause is actually good, because the fat makes estrogen for you, and carrying it strengthens your bones. But, if you want to be at a lower weight, here's some tips! Just like all my advice about weight loss, the first rule of weight loss is to not focus on weight loss. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 453: How Sleep Affects Hormones

Ron and I are happily improving! I'm back on the bike and we're both getting our strength back. Rest, treatment, smart training, the right supplements. I hope it all keeps progressing! 

This week I talked about the interaction of sleep and hormones. Ideally, we should generally get between 7-9 hours of sleep for good health and specifically hormonal function. In order to have a good interaction of melatonin and cortisol, one sleep-inducing, the other for energy, 7-9 hours is ideal! Also for healthy reproductive function, weight, mood, and immunity: all the hormones that manage these bodily functions benefit from adequate sleep. So don't skimp! Have a wind-down routine, make sure the room is dark and cool, don't overdo sugar and carbs. Sleep is one of the most healing things you can do!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 449: Supplements and Herbs for Hypertension; Energy Drinks

This week we got a little more into herbs and supplements for high blood pressure. Lots of people struggle with it, even while on meds. There are so many causes and you can help it from a number of different directions, and these can help. So can basic lifestyle changes like more rest and sleep, eating lots of produce, and limiting sugar, caffeine, and processed foods. We also talked about Energy Drinks: yay or nay? 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 443: Lifestyle Changes to Lower Blood Pressure

This week, I started talking about the very important topic of hypertension, high blood pressure. Our focus this week was on basic lifestyle things to do to lower blood pressure. Some of it is SHOCKING! Stuff like: eat more vegetables and fruit, eat more clean protein, drink more water, get more exercise, stop smoking, do stress reducing activities like deep breathing, leisure walks in nature, yoga, and meditation, and get good quality and quantity of sleep. WHO WOULDA THUNKIT??? It's so important that we'll pick up on this next week, and include actual supplements that help with blood pressure. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 435: Ron's Cholesterol and Thyroid Labs, Bicycle Positioning and Sciatica

This week, Ron handed me his recent blood work and had me talk about it. We talked about his elevated TSH and how his doc needs to adjust his thyroid medicine. We talked about his target-low cholesterol numbers, and how his Repatha drug is starting to give him a lot of side effects. We talked about the mechanism of that. We also answered a question from a listener about whether cycling negatively impacts sciatica, and how it's necessary to get the position right on the bike and also do stretch and strengthening exercises. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 434: Health Benefits of Sex, Increase Libido Naturally

Here's a popular topic, why sex is good for you health! From reducing anxiety and depression to improving cardiovascular function to improving muscle strength and flexibility, sex has a lot to offer. We also talk about natural ways to increase sex drive and performance. We also get started on how caffeine can be problematic and will pick that up next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 433: Health Benefits of Chocolate, Foods and Exercises for Better Sex

This week I just HAD to get in my yearly chocolate is good for you show! Cocoa flavonols are good for so many things: blood pressure, protection against various elements of cardiovascular disease, mood enhancement, and sex drive. There are numerous foods that help with sex drive and performance so we talked about those too! Not to mention exercises that help. We'll get more into the health benefits of sex next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 428: Detox Preview: Sarcopenia: Keep Your Muscle Mass!

This week we previewed next week's talk, which will be about detoxification, especially as it relates to tick borne illness. We'll review everything from binders to epsom salt baths. Our focus for THIS week was on sarcopenia: muscle loss, especially due to aging. If you want to maintain muscle mass, you've got to move it or lose it! However, ANYONE can increase muscle mass at any age, and there are studies that show that. Retaining muscle mass is a predictor for healthy aging. So eat your protein, get your rest, and GET MOVING! 

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