Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 479: Know Your Farmer Fair, Help for Political Stress

This week, we talked about Ron's experience with the chiropractor. He's a fan! He knows it'll take time but he's on board. I also talked about the Know your Farmer Fair which will happen March 8, 2025 at the Willimantic Community Center; a great way to get to know our local farmers! And, without taking sides, we talked about the political situation and how it may be stressing you, and what you can do about it. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 416: POTS Advice, Vitamin C, Bedrotting and Stress, Cryptolepis for Immunity

I then discussed the health benefits of getting plenty of Vitamin C from food and supplements. Reduced gout, improved collagen, lower blood pressure, better immunity. All terrfic things! And, there is a Gen Z TikTok trend called BED ROTTING. I'm a fan! There are naysayers who say it will prevent people from accomplishing more, but I think the point is that people are already trying to accomplish too much. Hanging out in bed is great for your sanity! Then I got started on a newer-known herb for Lyme and immunity, cryptolepis. More on Lyme herbs next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 413: My Lyme Protocol, 10 Minutes of Meditation, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra

This week, I updated once again on my health. My orthopedics are much better, and my nervous system is better since I started treating for...LYME DISEASE. We reviewed what I"m taking, and will review more about Lyme herbs in the coming weeks.

Today we talked about things to calm you down. Why meditation is good for you, and also yin yoga, and yoga nidra. And NO, you DON'T need to spend an hour a day doing them. It's better to spend 10 minutes most days doing any practice of stillness than going somewhere to spend an hour at it only occasionally!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 396: Aging in Men, Health Goals, Enviro Toxins, Stress Reduction

This week was Part 3 of CNPA Conference Redux! This week, the featured speakers were Geo Espinosa who spoke about aging in men; Carissa Fioritto who discussed health goal-setting and used redirecting from weight loss as an example; Kira Halak who discussed the toxicity of PFAS and other environmental toxins; and Doni Wilson who talked about managing stress and even the benefits of ayahuasca! Fascinating stuff.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 374: Gratitude and Health, Honoring the First Nations, Food!

This week, of course, had a Thanksgiving theme. I talked about how gratitude is good for you health. It makes you happier, reduces stress and cortisol, and helps you to enjoy your life more in general! Gratitude generates empathy, kindness, and healthy and happy relationships. Appropriate as it's the theme of the season!

I also discussed remembering that the First Nation peoples that encountered the Europeans initially were not necessarily met with friendship and cooperation, but genocide. It's important to recount that. It's good to honor the first nation people that lived in the area where you lived, learn about their culture, and even serve some traditional Native American dishes at Thanksgiving!

Then we reviewed some Thanksgiving foods and why they're good for you. More next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 340: Craniosacral Therapy; Natural Help for Cervical Dysplasia

This week, I talked about cranio-sacral therapy, its origins in osteopathic medicine, how it works, how it's helpful. A great, non-invasive, relaxing therapy that can benefit most people! ESPECIALLY great for headaches.

In advance of International Women's Month, I talked about one women's condition, cervical dysplasia and how natural medicine can be helpful. It's fairly common, can be easily treated if caught early, and natural medicine can really help!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 319: Migraines: Ocular, Common, Classic, and Help for Prevention and Treatment

This week, I talked about migraines, how they happen, what meds get used, how to help to prevent them and how natural medicine and lifestyle fits in. I'm so lucky, I had an ocular migraine that sent me to the ER thinking I had a stroke! But I didn't, I got diagnosed with ocular migraine. So, more rest, more hydration, more beach and nature, less sugar.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 279: Election Day Stress, Humidity in Your Home, Get More Rest

Whew, Election Day 2020! At this writing I don't know who won the election and I'll edit when I find out. I talked about election day stress, which most people are feeling regardless of your side of the aisle. What can you do about it? Well, if you are so inclined and able, you can canvass or staff phone banks. Whether or not you're going to do that, you can also take time to engage in stress reduction techniques, such as avoiding social media, avoiding ALL media, sleeping more, and anything that makes you feel calmer.

Here's a timely topic: the humidity in your home! What should it be and how do you adjust it? Also, this the time of year to get more REST. Here's some ideas!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 270: Notes on the Amish, Help for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ron and I went to Pennsylvania Dutch Country! It was really interesting to learn that there are about 40,000 Amish in greater Lancaster County, PA, the difference between Amish and Mennonite, that church is in each other's homes, and that they DO use electricity as long as it's not attached to the grid. Some still have ancient coal stoves, but coal is very expensive, so many have gas-powered stoves and refrigerators, and air compressor powered small appliances. Some are so newfangled that they're getting solar panels! Apparently church is on alternate weeks, so we saw TONS OF BUGGIES on the road, and late in the day we saw young folks in buggies a-courtin'! We knew this because the boys had no facial air and the girls had white pinafores. We learned all this stuff at the museum of the Amish Village! I also ate whoopie pies and shoo-fly pie and went to the DUTCH HAVEN! I think my parents took me there when I was a kid. 

This week's big topic was IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. I thought lots of people would appreciate the topic; somewhere between 3-20% of my listeners. All about what it is and isn't, and how it's usually some combination of stress, anxiety/depression, and eating foods that just don't work for you. We talked about some meds ,and more supplements that can help.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 269: Atherosclerosis in the Aorta, Hip Bursitis

This week on Radio Naturopath I responded to two questions from listeners. The first was about reducing atherosclerotic plaque in the aorta: so the whole thing about reducing oxidative stress, eating less sugar and processed foods, drinking less alcohol, getting exercising, eating healthy fats and avoiding poor quality ones. 

I also talked about hip bursitis: what it is, how it's generally treated, and how to feel better. 

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