Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 480: Find Your Max Heart Rate, More Help for Osteoarthritis

220-your age is NOT the best way to go! The Norwegian University of Science and Technology has figured out a way to estimate your ideal max heart rate that uses your age, weight, gender, and height. I used it and it felt much better than the 185 I was using from five years ago, and was also higher and more useful than 220-my age! I had a great workout using it. Also, we return to help for osteoarthritis: foods, weight loss, exercise and more. Those green lipped mussels!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 474: New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep!

This week we talked about New Year's Resolutions that are actually accessible, that you can keep. Stuff like: eating more whole foods, cooking more meals at home, finding exercise you enjoy, add in a little bit of meditation, get more good sleep. Notice that NONE of these are LOSE WEIGHT! Having weight loss as a goal just makes you nuts, and you never know if it's actually going to happen. However, eating a healthy meal and exercising are things you can do TODAY. That's the focus! Develop some good lifestyle habits now, and before you know it you'll be feeling great, regardless of your weight!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 467: Osteoarthritis: What It Is and How To Help It

I went to the orthopedic physician this week and I wanted to give an update on my experience. I would say it was relatively positive! There's no rush to give me injections or surgery, and I am to use exercises to strengthen my knees. I talked about what osteoarthritis is and various ways to treat it, both conventionally and naturally. This week: collagen, curcumin, and injections, and riding my bike!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 466: Managing Fatigue, Intermittent Claudication, Peripheral Artery Disease, Chromium

This week, I talked a bit about how I manage intermittent fatigue, mostly with taking breaks and getting enough sleep! Like a lot of us, I'm guilty of pushing myself to get stuff done until I drop, and I need to learn to rest more. 

Then we discussed the possibility that Ron has intermittent claudication, a form of peripheral artery disease. He certainly has symptoms that could fit. We discussed the mechanics of intermittent claudication, the pain, cramping, and burning that are worse with exertion and better with rest. Then we discussed how it's diagnosed and treated, both conventionally and naturally. And then, a little piece on chromium for food cravings! 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 461: Menopause and Weight Loss

This week I'm playing a lecture I recorded a while ago, about menopause and weight loss. I talk about how it's harder to lose fat after menopause, and why. It's all about the cortisol! Get that cortisol down and it will help. Also, having a little extra weight on after menopause is actually good, because the fat makes estrogen for you, and carrying it strengthens your bones. But, if you want to be at a lower weight, here's some tips! Just like all my advice about weight loss, the first rule of weight loss is to not focus on weight loss. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 453: How Sleep Affects Hormones

Ron and I are happily improving! I'm back on the bike and we're both getting our strength back. Rest, treatment, smart training, the right supplements. I hope it all keeps progressing! 

This week I talked about the interaction of sleep and hormones. Ideally, we should generally get between 7-9 hours of sleep for good health and specifically hormonal function. In order to have a good interaction of melatonin and cortisol, one sleep-inducing, the other for energy, 7-9 hours is ideal! Also for healthy reproductive function, weight, mood, and immunity: all the hormones that manage these bodily functions benefit from adequate sleep. So don't skimp! Have a wind-down routine, make sure the room is dark and cool, don't overdo sugar and carbs. Sleep is one of the most healing things you can do!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 452: Low Impact Plyometrics, Exercise for Menopause and Osteoporosis

This week we went on to talk about plyometrics that you can do that don't affect the knees and hips especially if you have trouble with those. Hint: get a medicine ball! Carrying and tossing a heavy ball can be really helpful without the need for jumping. We also talked about more helpful exercises for menopause, especially dancing! And the important ways to build bone density. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 451: Sunscreens and Toxicity, Menopause and Exercise

This week, I got deeper into sunscreens. Avobenzone and octabenzone: BAD. And I found out that one of my favorite SPF-containing face lotions has avobenzone in it! And I cleared out most of my sunscreens except for the ones with zinc oxide in them! Sheesh. Turns out those two are the worse offenders, and are hormonal disrupters, and if you go to the drugstore or supermarket and look at the display, most of the sunscreens contain either or both of those! BEST is too find sunscreens with either titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, which sit on your skin, reflect the sun, and aren't absorbed. The only thing is to avoid sprays, because you can inhale the metallic microparticles. 

We started by reviewing Stacy Sims's recommendations for post-menopausal women and exercise. What's best? Living heavy stuff, and short intervals! Intervals of at lest 60 seconds promote increased cortisol, so keeping it to around 30 seconds is best. She also recommends plyometrics, which can involve a lot of jumping. There ARE ways to do low impact plyometrics, and we'll talk about that next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 399: More on Women and Cardiovascular Disease

This week I continued on with information about women and cardiovascular health. Lots of risk factors. I also spent some time on how microflora, the bacteria that live in your colon and the rest of your body, are correlated with cardiovascular health. There are certain species that are associated with lower risk, and the biggest thing is to have colony diversity. Eat organic!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 391: Back Pain: The Ol' Reach 'n' Seize; ApoB100 and Cardiovascular Health

Last week, I did the ol' Reach 'n' Seize with my low back. You know how you were just fine a minute ago, then you reached for the mayo in the fridge and your back just SEIZED UP and now it hurts to tie your shoes? Well, I did that a week ago, only I was on my bike trainer and reached for the iPad. I was very fortunate to be able to see the chiropractor that day. I talked about what can lead up to that, how to prevent it, and nutrition, exercise, and topicals to use to help it. 

We then finally got started on cardiovascular issues, and focused on Apolipoprotein B100. This is an important measure that most doctors don't do. Specifically, if your doctor is about to order you statins or you've already been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, it's important to know your ApoB100/ApoAOA1 ratio. The ApoB carries LDL, while A carries HDL, which is cardioprotective. If you have high cholesterol but also a low ApoB/A ratio, you have much lower cardiovascular risk! More on cardiovascular issues next week.

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