Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 479: Know Your Farmer Fair, Help for Political Stress
This week, we talked about Ron's experience with the chiropractor. He's a fan! He knows it'll take time but he's on board. I also talked about the Know your Farmer Fair which will happen March 8, 2025 at the Willimantic Community Center; a great way to get to know our local farmers! And, without taking sides, we talked about the political situation and how it may be stressing you, and what you can do about it.
Radio Naturopath Episode 443: Lifestyle Changes to Lower Blood Pressure
This week, I started talking about the very important topic of hypertension, high blood pressure. Our focus this week was on basic lifestyle things to do to lower blood pressure. Some of it is SHOCKING! Stuff like: eat more vegetables and fruit, eat more clean protein, drink more water, get more exercise, stop smoking, do stress reducing activities like deep breathing, leisure walks in nature, yoga, and meditation, and get good quality and quantity of sleep. WHO WOULDA THUNKIT??? It's so important that we'll pick up on this next week, and include actual supplements that help with blood pressure.
Radio Naturopath Episode 381: Journaling for Health, Easy Ways to Reduce Stress
We talked about the health benefits of journaling. From organizing your thoughts, to objectively stepping back from things that upset you, to planning for your upcoming life, it can really help with your health! Journaling has been studied to reduce stress. It's a simple thing to do help with your life!
We also talked about all kinds of ways to reduce stress. Like, journaling! Also, some unsurprising things like deep breathing, yoga, massage, napping, time with pets, cuddling.
Radio Naturopath Episode 375: Practice of Stillness/Weight Loss, Eat More Cinnamon, Ginger. Pumpkin!
This week, I talked about something dear to my heart and very important to a lot of people. Many patients, especially peri- and post-menopausal women, are talking about difficulty in fat loss. The fat hangs out right around their midsection. It's known as MENOBELLY! I didn't make that up. It's because our reduction in estrogen and progesterone reduce activity of fat-consuming enzymes, and we become more sensitive to cortisol. In our stressful lives, we spend too much time in high cortisol, and that adds fat to our midsections! So the short answer is to lower cortisol. One simple way to do that: A PRACTICE OF STILLNESS. That's any activity that you can do that involves being still and deep breathing! Listen to find out how.
I also talked about some more yummy foods that we eat around Thanksgiving and why they're good for you: cinnamon, ginger, and pumpkin. Listen and eat up!
Radio Naturopath Episode 369: Hurricane Ian, Managing Low Back Pain
This week I talked about, surprise, what it was like to experience a hurricane! Being in Florida during a hurricane is not really a vacation. First there's prep, then there's anxiously awaiting, then there's scarily enduring, and then there's the aftermath. Fortunately, my mom's house has good construction so we weathered the storm well. No electricity for only 3 days, and no internet for a week! My heart goes out to those who lost lives, were injured, or lost homes and property. Ft. Myers, Cape Coral, and North Port were tragically damaged.
This week's health topic was low back pain. I had some a couple of weeks ago that put me in the ER thinking I had a kidney stone, but it was just my spondylosis acting up! The pain can be that bad! So, we discussed how it happens, conventional treatment, and began to discuss natural support for low back pain. We'll continue with more natural help next week.
Radio Naturopath Episode 363: Why You Should Practice Deep Breathing, What Is Fatty Liver?
This week we started out by discussing why deep breathing is good for you. There are so many reasons, but the main ones are that you lower cortisol, which in excess is destructive to body tissues, and you increase the amout of oxygen that goes to your brain and all of your organs, causing them to all function so much better! We discuss deep breathing anytime anywhere, guided meditation, counted breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and more. Such an easy way to improve your health!
We then started a discussion of fatty liver, what it is and how it happens. We'll get into a discussion of how to fix it next week. The liver is amazingly resilient!