Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 479: Know Your Farmer Fair, Help for Political Stress

This week, we talked about Ron's experience with the chiropractor. He's a fan! He knows it'll take time but he's on board. I also talked about the Know your Farmer Fair which will happen March 8, 2025 at the Willimantic Community Center; a great way to get to know our local farmers! And, without taking sides, we talked about the political situation and how it may be stressing you, and what you can do about it. 

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 440: Hypertension, Shilajit, Rhodiola, Low Dose Lithium

This week, we talked about Shilajit, this interesting, antioxidant-rich substance that comes from the HImalayas. It has a lot of fulvic acid in it which is detoxifying and free-radical quenching. And it's energizing and helps with hormone balance! We also talked about rhodiola, plant extraordinaire that is energizing, an immune tonic, and helps with altitude sickness. And LITHIUM, the nervous system's best friend! It can be helpful with simply improving anxiety to helping with dementia to preventing murder, suicide, and rape in towns where it's high in the water. I wonder if the US, Israel, Gaza, and the world need to microdose lithium?

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 434: Health Benefits of Sex, Increase Libido Naturally

Here's a popular topic, why sex is good for you health! From reducing anxiety and depression to improving cardiovascular function to improving muscle strength and flexibility, sex has a lot to offer. We also talk about natural ways to increase sex drive and performance. We also get started on how caffeine can be problematic and will pick that up next week!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 419: Long COVID and Low Serotonin, Weight Loss Surgery

This week, I talked about a study that came out suggesting that people with long COVID may have viral remnants, or even actual virus, in their guts, and this is preventing them from making adequate serotonin. Inadequate serotonin leads to mood disorders, poor digestion, pain, migraines, and all sorts of other issues! i suggested some naturopathic fixes for this. 

Then we started on weight loss topics. beginning with the nature and effects of weight loss surgery. I'd rather people didn't do it but sometimes it can be a good choice!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 413: My Lyme Protocol, 10 Minutes of Meditation, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra

This week, I updated once again on my health. My orthopedics are much better, and my nervous system is better since I started treating for...LYME DISEASE. We reviewed what I"m taking, and will review more about Lyme herbs in the coming weeks.

Today we talked about things to calm you down. Why meditation is good for you, and also yin yoga, and yoga nidra. And NO, you DON'T need to spend an hour a day doing them. It's better to spend 10 minutes most days doing any practice of stillness than going somewhere to spend an hour at it only occasionally!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 373: The Pros and Cons of Sugar

This week we talked about SUGAR, because the eating season has started! Mmmm, Halloween candy. And now Thanksgiving is upon us and it's officially the holiday season. Sirius XM already has its holiday channels playing! So, we talked about the pros and cons of sugar. I've come to the conclusion that if you deprive people completely of sweets, they will crave them and want to eat more. Even people on ketogenic diets have chocolatey goodies with sugar alcohols in them! However, if you eat too much sugar, it can lead to various illnesses, ranging from fatigue and mood disorders, to acne, to heart disease and cancer! So, of course, moderation is key.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 347: Happy 4/20! All About Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD, THC for Health

This Wednesday is 4/20/22, so I thought it only fitting to talk about the latest on cannabis! I talked about the history of the use of 4/20. I also talked about the many health benefits of CBD, THC, and CBD's parent compound, CBG. They all can be helpful for things like anxiety, depression, seizures, pain, insomnia, cancer treatment, high blood pressure, and more! I talked about some health caveats and drug interaction issues. I also talked about the status of legalization in Connecticut.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 337: Should You Try To Catch Omicron? Help Me, I'm Anxious!

This week I talked about whether it's a good idea to deliberately try to contract the Omicron COVID-19 variant. My conclusion, in short, is NO. Czech folk singer Hana Horka, who was unvaccinated, died after contracting the Omicron variant while her husband and son were sick. The bottom line is, you just never know how you'll fare with any variant of COVID-19, whether you're vaccinated or not. Chances are you'll do fine but there is the chance that you won't. You could also infect someone else, and unnecessarily take up space in the hospital. If you're vaccinated, eating healthfully, getting good rest and exercise, and wearing masks when appropriate, you're likely to catch a milder case due to lower viral loads. Be patient; summer is coming and we can all go outdoors again!

COVID-19, and life, make many people anxious, so I thought it was a good time to review anxiety and how to help it naturally and with lifestyle. It's genetic, situational, and lifestyle-mediated. There's help for it!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 336: Supplement Timing, Red Wine, Food and LDL, QiGong, Natural Feminine Products

Today I had a question about the timing of supplements. We talked about how there are certain ones that are taken at certain times for specific purposes, but I don't like to be too strict about that because it affects compliance. I also talked about red wine and cholesterol; it definitely helps but not necessary for everyone to drink, and there are non-alcoholic foods and beverages that can also help to lower LDL. And don't forget cardio exercise! I've become a big QiGong fan and have been finding it very healing, helpful, and stress-reducing, so I talked all about it. And I advised women, especially those that have menstrual spotting between periods, to consider using unbleached sanitary supplies, or even reusable menstrual cups, that bleached supplies can contain dioxins and other chemicals that can affect menses!

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