Radio Naturopath Episode 342: Know Your Farmer Fair 2022, Farmer's Markets, Daylight Savings Time

This week we talked about the Know Your Farmer Fair, which is happening this Saturday, March 19 at the Elks Club Lodge, 198 Pleasant St., Willimantic, CT, from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM. It's a great opportunity to meet with 30 local farmers, sample their wares, and talk directly to the people who grow your food! This is a very important event and directly related to everyone's and the planet's health! For more information about the fair, visit:

We also talked about Daylight Savings Time, since this Saturday night/Sunday morning we sprang ahead! It's kind of nice to have the long daylight hours but not necessarily so nice for people's health. Here's a couple of experts to weight in. The general consensus is that it's really NOT good for our health! Most alarming to me is the increase in major cardiovascular events and motor vehicle accidents.