Radio Naturopath
Radio Naturopath Episode 464: More Lyme Herbs, Healthy Halloween Treats, Fall Vegetables
This week, I talk about my new naturopath, Marisa Houser, N.D., and the advice she gave me about my Lyme protocol. A few new herbs and a few less supplements! Lots of good advice and tidying up. I also talked about healthier ways to experience Halloween, like having your sweets after a healthy meal so you're less likely to binge, and make sure to drink water with your sweets so the sugar doesn't stick around and give you cavities! You can also get healthier versions of treats at the health food store, and also make creative scary Halloween treats out of fruit! We also began to talk about healthy fall vegetables and we'll pick up with that next week.
Radio Naturopath Episode 463: Chia Seeds for Health, Help for Fall Allergies
This week, I talked about fall allergies, since lots of people have them right now! Mold and mildew from damp homes and plants dying back. Dust mites are prevalent especially now that we're moving indoors, but we'll get a break when there's a hard freeze. Pets can be problematic too! And there's still some ragweed outdoors. Here's some tips to help with the season! We also talked about chia seeds, and included a recipe on how to make chia pudding. Turns out they're amazing little powerhouses!
Radio Naturopath Episode 462: L-Carnitine for Muscles and Weight Loss, Irvingia, Autumn Anxiety
This week, I talked about poor Ron and his muscle issues, and realized he might benefit from taking l-carnitine, which will shuttle more free fatty acids into his muscle cells. We're going to get him some and see if it helps! I also talked about autumn anxiety, which happens when people are letting go of the carefree summer and taking on fall responsibilities. And the HOLIDAYS are looming, and it doesn't help that they have Christmas decorations in the stores before Halloween! And then we discussed two weight loss supplements, African mango (Irvingia) and l-carnitine.
Radio Naturopath Episode 461: Menopause and Weight Loss
This week I'm playing a lecture I recorded a while ago, about menopause and weight loss. I talk about how it's harder to lose fat after menopause, and why. It's all about the cortisol! Get that cortisol down and it will help. Also, having a little extra weight on after menopause is actually good, because the fat makes estrogen for you, and carrying it strengthens your bones. But, if you want to be at a lower weight, here's some tips! Just like all my advice about weight loss, the first rule of weight loss is to not focus on weight loss.
Radio Naturopath Episode 460: Lisinopril finally! More Weight Loss Basics
This week, I talk about my jump to the Dark Side. Well, not really. Hey, did you know that the term "going to the Dark Side" was popularized by Star Wars? I'm going to try another BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION, and hopefully this time I can take it and stay on it! We're going to try low dose lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor. The more I talked with various cycling friends, the more of them I discovered were taking it, feeling fine, and enjoying riding their bikes as much as they liked! So my PCP prescribed it, and first dose will go down the hatch tonight. I'll report on how I'm feeling, hoping for no dizziness!
We continued the series on weight loss, some basic good advice on lifestyle choices that can help. Drinking water, reducing carbs, reducing stress, eating produce and fiber, all good! All of those things are basic habits that are great for healing from anything. Ron also read off some calorie, fat and sugar content of some very large coffee-based drinks available at a popular regional establishment. A large version of one of them had 1100 calories! Pair that with a glazed jelly stick, and that's all your calories for the day! We particularly talked about Neuropeptide Y, which gets stimulated when you eat fat and starch or sugar together. It turns off your satiety signals, so you wind up eating most of the pizza, or the entire pint of ice cream! So avoiding large portions of fat and sugar together is a good idea.
Radio Naturopath Episode 459: Hypertension, Hibiscus, L-theanine, CBD; Weight Loss and Stress Reduction
This week I talked about how I tried hibiscus tea and it pretty much knocked me out, so if I do hibiscus it has to be in very small amounts! Everyone is different and responds differently to herbs and supplements. I DO feel good taking l-theanine, a calming amino acid from the tea plant, which calms without grogginess! And I also took the gastrodia/uncaria Chinese herbal complex in pill form, and I did better with that than the big cup of tea.
There's so much to talk about with weight management and loss. This week, I managed to discuss these neat Please Don't Weigh Me cards that you can get, and discussed the merits and detriments of being weighed at the doctor's office. Bottom line: if it makes the patient feel comfortable, no need to weigh them! Also, if you're at the doctor's office, you do not have to consent to ANY physical exam that you don't want to do. At my office my patients always have a choice! We also discussed the most important aspect of fat loss, which is stress reduction. Lowering cortisol is good for ANY condition, but directly helps to lower cortisol so that it's not putting more sugar into your blood for you to store. And there's lots of ways to reduce stress!
Radio Naturopath Episode 458: Cholesterol and Muscle, Shilajit/LIthium Orotate, Health Not Weight Loss!
This week, I talked to Ron about his muscle building efforts, which are still taking a long time. We talked about how the cholesterol-lowering drug he took didn't allow him to rebuild muscle, and may also have affected his nerves, He's eating a lot of oats, and the beta-glucan in them can help to lower cholesterol; he's also eating a lot of ground flaxseed to help to sweep extra cholesterol out. He's looking forward to his next cholesterol test! We answered a question about shilajit and lithium orotate from a listener in India! I tried a pea-sized amount of shilajit for the first time live on the air, and it give me a mild rush! Then we went on to discuss my take on weight loss, and went through a Prevention article that is very much in line with my thinking, that weight loss, the numbers on the scale, and BMI are not nearly as important as more direct measures of health, like cholesterol, blood sugar, nutritional status, getting regular exercise and rest, and eating a healthy diet of whole fooods and avoiding processed, chemically laden foods and food intolerances. There are studies that really do bear out Healthy at Any Size!
Radio Naturopath Episode 457: Chinese Herbs and Hypertension, Weight Loss Surgery and GLP-1s
This week, I talked about going back to conservatively healing my meniscus, and talked about a Chinese formula that my acupuncturist gave me for hypertension, Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin. I have to drink it as tea, and it's pretty good! It helps with blood pressure, migraines, headaches, tremors, and more! If you like at the Chinese indications, it helps to move liver blood out of places it shouldn't be. When I was in ND school, my teacher told me that it was my right as a Jersey girl to have a sluggish liver. Oy! So this may help. Then I got into it about bariatric surgery and how those weight loss drugs work, like Ozempic, Wegovy, Victoza, and Trulicity, and benefits and risks. It may be the only way to weight loss for some! A lot of pratitioners of all kinds are encouraging people to use them as part of their weight loss strategy.
Radio Naturopath Episode 456: Tooth Decay Prevention: Hydroxyapatite vs. Fluoride
This week, it was all about the teeth: hydroxyapatite vs. fluoride toothpaste for your teeth. Which is better? In the end, they both protect teeth from decay, cavities, and sensitivity. But some people don't want to go near fluoride because of possible toxicity. If kids swallow it, it can cause fluorosis and weakening of the teeth and bones. So, is hydroxyapatite just as effective? Listen and find out!
Radio Naturopath Episode 455: Lyme and Bartonella and the Long Haul
This week, we talked about the long haul and Lyme disease. The idea is that you have to treat for a long time, some say at least a year, and definitely until you have been symptom free for 2 months. Treating for that long can be WEARING, but to successfully treat this sticky, insidious, difficult illness requires tenacity! It is understandable that people get treatment fatigue. To do it right, especially if you're trying to avoid or minimize the use of antibiotics, it seems you have to take a lot of stuff! But I'm going to stick it out until I figure it out, and hopefully can get back to riding my bike when I want, however I want. Not to mention enjoying the rest of my life!