Radio Naturopath Episode 450: Brain Freeze, Hydration, Summer Heat, Bug Spray
Fran Storchbug spray, insect repellant, citronella, rose geranium, lemon eucalyptus, lavender, garlic, sunscreen, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, hydration, electrolyte, diuretic, hangover
Radio Naturopath Episode 418: Salves for Muscles and Joints, Lesser Known Herbs for Lyme Disease
Fran Storchmenthol, camphor, lavender, goldenrod, teasel, dipsacus, rue, ruta graveolens, arnica, magnesium chloride, Zechstein, magnesium oil, alchornea, crytolepis, Japanese knotweed, chinese skullcap, cat's claw, sarsaparilla, artemisia, Sweet Annie, Lyme disease, babesiosi, hottunyia
Radio Naturopath Episode 389: Daylight Savings Time and Health, A Self-Care Shower
Fran Storchdaylight savings time, standard time, spring ahead, fall behind, Circadian Cycle, everything shower, essential oils, lavender, sage, cedar, sweet grass, juniper, smudge, smokeless smudge, smudge spray
Radio Naturopath Episode 329: Nature Cure, Cannabinomimetics, Chocolate, Intestinal Blockage
Fran Storchcannabinoids, cannabinomimetics, beta-caryophyllene, rosemary, lavender, spicebush, cloves, cinnamon, chocolate, cacao, intestinal blockage, curcumin, enzymes, Cinnamon, hydrotherapy, physical medicine, physical therapy
Radio Naturopath Episode 325: NHAND Highlights Part 1: Diabetes Meds, Alcohol and Food Addiction, Calming Herbs, Repro Microbiome
Fran Storchmicrobiome, alcohol addiction, food addiction, diabetes meds, diabetes medications, calming herbs, ashwagandha, rhodiola, holy basil, maca, eleuthero, ginseng, St. John's Wort, chamomile, rose, lavender, schisandra
Radio Naturopath Episode 282: Help for Bruising, Histamine Intolerance
Fran Storchbruising, ecchymosis, contusion, fracture, itching, pruritis, arnica, St. John's Wort, Comfrey, calendula, lavender, chamomile, bilirubin, histamine, methylation, folate, B12, B6, quercetin, isoquercetrin, Vitamin C, ascorbic acid