Posts tagged body temperature
Radio Naturopath Episode 242: Normal and Abnormal Body Temperature; Is Food Addiction Really a Thing?
Fran Storchbody temperature, fever, belladonna, ginger, yarrow, Wunderlich, Stanford, syphilis, gum disease, gingivitis, food addiction, sugar
Radio Naturopath Episode 235: Eat Less Starch and Sugar, Wilson's Sydrome and Hypothryoid, Herbs for Cognition
Fran Storchcondimeat, starch, sugar, blood sugar, NHAND, Denis Wilson, Mary Bove N.D., herbs, deiodinase, thyroid, hypothyroid, Hashimoto's, guggul, blue flag, wild iris, body temperature, levothryoxine, T3, T4, bacopa, gingko, ashwagandha