Radio Naturopath

Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 475: Ron's Spinal Healing, More New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Do

Today I got reacquainted with Ron, with whom I haven't made a show since November, as he was teaching a fitness class when we usually record together in December! So we're able to make shows together again, well, most of the time. Today we reviewed his health issues, and it seems we're getting close to figuring out what's going on. Thank goodness, it appears he does NOT have peripheral artery disease. If he has intermittent claudication, it's emanating from his spine, which X-rays show he has some disc degeneration, thoracic scoliosis, and neural foramen narrowing in the cervical spine, the neck. I wonder if that narrowing could be intermittent compressing his spine at that level and causing symptoms the rest of the way down. He'll have some more care and we'll see what the next steps are!

I finished out New Year's resolutions that you can actually do, and none of them are Lose Weight. They ARE plan to eat more produce, get more rest, be more mindful and present in your life! Things you can do RIGHT NOW to make your life better. Enjoy!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 474: New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep!

This week we talked about New Year's Resolutions that are actually accessible, that you can keep. Stuff like: eating more whole foods, cooking more meals at home, finding exercise you enjoy, add in a little bit of meditation, get more good sleep. Notice that NONE of these are LOSE WEIGHT! Having weight loss as a goal just makes you nuts, and you never know if it's actually going to happen. However, eating a healthy meal and exercising are things you can do TODAY. That's the focus! Develop some good lifestyle habits now, and before you know it you'll be feeling great, regardless of your weight!

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 379: Happy New Year! Easy Resolutions for 2023; Weight Loss 101

Today, of course, I talked about New Year's resolutions, things people can resolve to do but aren't gargantuan and you don't feel like you've failed at them after two weeks. They are more things that take a little effort once in a while, like volunteering at a food pantry, creating a gratitude journal and writing in it only when you feel like it, and resolving to exercise because it feels good and not because you feel like you have to. Doing bite-sized self-improvement actions can be really helpful! Another one I emphasized is that it's OK to rest MORE, take some down time and do less stuff. Restoration and rejuvenation are really important this time of year!

I also reviewed the basic principles of fat loss, as I like to do periodically, and people are definitely interested in that this time of year. The most important thing? REST! It lowers cortisol, reducing blood sugar and insulin and making restorative hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone more available. The LEAST? Supplements. Fat loss happens in an enviroment of caloric restriction and hormonal balance. Supplements can only go so far in helping with that; you have to change what you do.

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Fran Storch Fran Storch

Radio Naturopath Episode 240: Help for Colds, New Year's Resolutions, Those Veggie Burgers!

 I managed to catch a cold while in Florida. The good thing is that I was in Florida, didn't have to work, got to lie about and relax, lie in the sun, and eat fresh-picked citrus! So I was only sick for about 3-4 days. It goes to show you, when you really take care of yourself you don't stay sick long! Ron caught my cold and is going through it now. We're using neti-pots, nasal sprays, elderberry, echinacea/goldenseal throat, spray, and zinc. I'm going to keep up the immune boosters and the cleaning the whole season! 

It's a great time for those New Year's Resolutions, but don't feel like you have to do everything all at once. For example, if you want to lose weight, a good rule of thumb is to plan to lose 10% of your body weight in 7 months. If you give yourself that timespan, you're more likely to make lasting changes and keep it off!  There are numerous top 10 resolution lists available, but some of them are: change your diet/eating habits, exercise more, lose weight, take control of your finances, tidy up the house. Don't overwhelm yourself! A great thing to do is to take some time to take an inventory of your life and write down what you'd like to change. You can review it weekly, or as you'd like, and do small bits of each item as you have time. Trying to tackle everything at once or when you're tired usually results in frustration, and people giving up on resolutions by February! A great one to start with: Be good to yourself. Really, you're doing fine!

We reviewed a couple of the new vegetarian burgers again. We looked at the Impossible Burger, which is being sold at a number of fast food establishments. Well, if you really want to eat a meat substitute, you might try it, but it has oils that concern me, like sunflower oil and refined coconut oil that winds up getting heated and hydrogenated, more carbs and salt than a beef burger. If you want a meat-like treat once in a while, it might be fine, but it's much better to eat the ingredients separately and without added sugar, dextrose, yeast extract, and high sodium. They Beyond Burger is made from pea protein, which I like, but again has refined coconut oil and canola oil, which may present some hydrogenation issues. In the end, have it occasionally and saute the ingredients in real virgin coconut oil or olive oil most of the time!

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