Radio Naturopath Episode 472: Immune Health and the Holidays; Jews and Christmas; Hanukkah, Kwanzaa!

Today I wanted to not talk too much about health, but went ahead and gave advice about how to stay healthy and support immunity during the holidays. All the usual stuff, like eating well, getting good sleep, getting exercise, doing restorative practices like yoga and meditation. We also talked about neti pots and nasal sprays, and foods, herbs and vitamins for the season. Then we moved on to What do Jews do on christmas? The answer: it depends! It's not our holiday, so sometimes it's Chinese and a movie. Or, we'll attend celebrations of people that we love. Or celebrate Hanukah if it's at the same time! I then started on Hanukah and Kwanzaa traditions. We'll pick up on that next week because on New Year's Day, it will still be Hanukkah and Kwanzaa!


Radio Naturopath Episode 473: Happy 2025! Dental Care, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Traditions


Radio Naturopath Episode 471: WICKED!, PRP and Omega 3s/Fish Oil for Osteoarthritis