Radio Naturopath Episode 296: International Women's Day, Women's Naturopathic Healthcare, More on Protein for Health

This week we talked about the origin of International Women's Day. Did you know that it came from the Socialist Party in Russia obtaining suffrage for women in 1917? In the US, the Socialist Party held a Women's Day on February 28, 1909 in honor of women in the labor movement. March 8 was adapted after Russian suffrage, and then it was made official in the United States in 1967, supported by feminist movements here. This year's theme is #ChoosetoChallenge. You can challenge things like old assumptions, racism, classism, sexism, in any area of life: work, sports, relationships, the arts.

I honored one of my woman teachers of naturopathic medicine, the premier naturopathic gynecologist, in the world, Tori Hudson, N.D. She is an adjunct professor at most of the naturopathic colleges in North America, and I learned naturopathic gynecology from her at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

Then, protein! Especially, what are the best vegetarian sources? And why is it helpful to eat protein? Protein is so important that we're going to talk about it more next week.