Discover your unique
path to greater health.
We can help you with the following (and so much more!)...
Tick Borne Illness and treatment
Athletic Support
Pediatric Wellness
Dermatology Care
Stress Management
Cardiovascular & Heart Health
Improved digestion
Detoxification & elimination
Colds, Flu and Sinus Infections
Thyroid Problems
Seasonal Allergies
Environmental Allergies
Gynecological exams/concerns
Pregnancy & Postpartum
Work and School Physicals
Hormonal Support

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, rather interest their patients in the care of the human frame through lifestyle and diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease,"
- Thomas Edison
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic Medicine holds that we have it within ourselves to heal.
A Naturopathic Physician is trained to employ nutritional counseling, botanical and homeopathic medicine, hydrotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine, physical medicine (including Bowen Therapy, Massage Therapy) and energetic medicine. A regular part of practice also includes more conventional methods such as ordering lab work and other diagnostic testing. Currently, licensed Connecticut Naturopaths cannot prescribe pharmaceutical medication. Dr. Storch treats many patients who use pharmaceutical medication, however, and she is happy to collaborate with regular medical doctors.
The goal of Naturopathic medicine is to search for the cause of the problem and treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. We strive to use the least harmful therapies. Caring for and educating the patient, with an emphasis on prevention, is important to us. We engage the patient as an active participant on their journey to maximum health!
What will my first visit to Dr. Storch be like?
During your initial visit with Dr. Storch, you and she will talk about what is going on with you, from your perspective. What are your health concerns? Do you have any chronic issues? How is your lifestyle helping or handicapping your health? What sort of stress do you deal with in your daily life? We have new patients fill out a thorough health history form in preparation for their new patient visit. Dr. Storch will ask questions and review your current medications and/or supplements. In between the first and second visit, we follow up by requesting lab work and/or reviewing previous physician's records. Dr. Storch may order lab tests for you, and she will have you make a record of your eating habits for one week. At the second visit, she pulls together the pieces and gets a more complete picture of your health.